A Little Bird Presents

Discovering truth behind brand love

Is there really such a thing as brand love? The proclamation of love is often a fleeting one. While there is no doubt that an individual has love for his or her family, community, or other highly-valued life component, in our culture we “love” a lot of things. We love our cars, our favorite TV


November 7, 2023

How to measure a brand experience

The best ways to measure a live brand experience, why storefront retail is not dead, & how a company's social mission can result in brand growth (more…)


November 7, 2023

Purpose-Driven Brands Grow Faster

How aligning with a cause can accellerate company growth, the beauty industry's success with FOMO, and improving customer relationships through data. (more…)


November 7, 2023

Explaining the science behind emotion in marketing

Key takeaways Emotion-driven marketing should no longer be based on intuition, but carefully crafted using consumer data and a scientific understanding of its effect on purchasing behavior. The new demographic-based marketing model is understanding audience habits and who they are as an individual, not just age, sex, location and income. Authenticity carries heavy weight in


November 7, 2023