In the News

Where does the snap election leave brand campaigns?

There’s no other way of putting it - the snap election is a massive issue for brands. With just over seven weeks until election day, approved brand activity (more…)

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November 7, 2023

ALB LA Food Bank Community Service (Birds of a Feather)

L.A. Food Bank Community Service Project The team at A Little Bird is committed to giving back to our community. Through our Birds of a Feather community service program, (more…)

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November 7, 2023

What championship teams teach us about brand strategy

Each year, the sports world has a stronghold on fandom that even the most popular brands only dream of. And teams’ emotionally-charged stories only add to their allure. (more…)

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November 7, 2023

Why the government shutdown was all about brand loyalty

Finally, after a record-setting 35 days, the government shutdown came to a conclusion last Friday. For 5 weeks, furloughed federal workers felt immense pressure (more…)

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November 7, 2023

Why Fyre Festival’s pitch deck was a red flag

Over the past few months, Fyre Festival has become more than a meme or a trope. It is the ultimate professional disaster; the wreck that we can’t stop pulling over to gawk (more…)

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November 7, 2023

Does sex still sell? Millennials may be changing the game

In December 2018, The Atlantic published a cover story exploring the question Why Are Young People Having So Little Sex? In the article, the author went so far (more…)

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November 7, 2023

What Amazon’s move to brick and mortar says about retail

For years, the retail fortune tellers have decried the end of things as we know them for physical stores, and for good reason. Ecommerce, with its (more…)

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November 7, 2023

Brand wars or collabs? This drives the most ROI

In the noisy, competitive, oversaturated marketing landscape, are companies better off waging war with the competition? Or is a better strategy to “go high” and (more…)

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November 7, 2023

How a celebrity CEO’s personal brand can build (or break) a company

As brands seek to become more human, the metaphor of a company as a living being has in some ways become visceral. If a brand is human, then its body is the company’s team, moving together to create a sum that is greater than its parts. Its soul is the brand purpose and driving force

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November 7, 2023

Why only environmentally sustainable companies have a future

The jig is up. We – the human race - are damaging the planet and everything in it. Every time we take a flight, drive a car, or make certain purchase decisions, we are adding to the crisis. We need to acknowledge that this is not an Exxon problem; it is not a government problem

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November 7, 2023

Bud Light and Dylan Mulvaney: A Lesson in Failed Brand Strategy and the Importance of Authenticity

By Hogan Shrum, Founder and CEO, A Little Bird In today's rapidly evolving consumer market, establishing and maintaining brand loyalty is paramount to success, especially among generations with significant purchasing power, such as Millennials and Gen-Z. (more…)

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November 7, 2023

Pepsi: When does ‘Challenger’ go too far?

Challenger mindset. Thinking outside the box, executing a bold positioning and provoking conversation. Being offensive, however, is a label no brand (more…)

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November 7, 2023