
Challenges Using Brand Engagement Marketing & How to Meet Them

Imagine your brand as a vibrant community where customers feel they truly belong, a place they seek out and advocate for without prompting. This vision is within reach. When done correctly, your brand engagement strategy can significantly enhance brand awareness and build a sense of community to support business growth. Yet building brand engagement can come with its own challenges. Keep reading to learn more about the pitfalls you might encounter and - importantly - what to do about them.


December 13, 2024

Brand engagement strategy that works: 5 examples

Brand engagement is crucial for businesses seeking to establish a loyal customer base and drive long-term growth. Brand engagement works to create a brand identity that resonates with customers and differentiates your business from its competitors. This article explores brand engagement and its importance by demonstrating how the best brands in the world use connections to drive impact.


December 5, 2024

Brand Activation Services: What They Are and Why They Matter

Unlike traditional advertising or passive promotions, brand activation services typically involve direct, experiential marketing strategies. This can include live events, product samplings, digital experiences and more. This article will help you understand how brand activation services bring a brand to life and why they are important.


November 28, 2024

6 Effective Engagement Marketing Tactics for Modern Customer Relationships

In many ways, modern marketing has shifted away from a product-centric approach to one that is customer-centric instead. That’s one reason why more brands are integrating engagement marketing strategies into their customer interactions. Engagement marketing creates value for customers by speaking with them, not at them, involving them in the brand experience itself.


November 18, 2024

The Real Reasons Consumer Brand Engagement Matters

The days of transactional relationships with customers are gone. Today, long-term business success requires offline and online consumer engagement. Your customers expect you to connect with them through reviews, events, and other touchpoints. This article looks in-depth at the reasons why brand engagement matters.


November 7, 2024

How to integrate customer service into your customer engagement strategies

Customer engagement strategies create positive brand experiences that keep customers connected to your business. Customer engagement can turn prospects into buyers and buyers into loyal customers — maybe even brand advocates. But, what role does customer support play? By integrating customer service with your customer engagement strategies you can build loyalty and enhance satisfaction to boost brand engagement. This article discusses the importance of ensuring that your customer service strategy is included in your broader customer engagement strategy, and how to integrate the two effectively.


October 24, 2024

Brand Activation Agency Tricks and Treats

A brand activation agency can support your success with customers throughout the year. But, with Halloween fast approaching, we thought we’d round up some brand activations that did well (treats) and those that fall more in the tricks category. Both can help your business understand what to do and how a brand activation agency can support positive change.


October 15, 2024

Building a community-driven customer engagement strategy

Throughout history, people have come together in communities. In these places, we enjoy a sense of belonging and find support and identity. A community might give us purpose or motivate our growth. People can find their communities in many places, and many brands have devoted time and effort to developing ecosystems that offer people these same benefits. This article explains how businesses can power their customer engagement strategy by creating community.


October 10, 2024

How an Experiential Company Provides a Better Brand Experience to Consumers

The events industry market is poised to nearly double in value over the next decade. According to Allied Market Research, the industry’s $438.8 billion in 2023 will reach $819.1 billion by 2035. This momentum isn’t entirely attributable to experiential marketing alone. Still, it demonstrates the potential for impact for those brands that partner with an expert team to create interactive and immersive experiences that connect with their customers.


October 3, 2024

Product Sampling Companies In 2024: 5 Signs You Need One

Product sampling is one of the oldest marketing tactics, yet it remains powerfully relevant in 2024. With an abundance of different products to choose from, consumers want to know what tastes good, smells delicious, feels right, or works great - before they buy. Your business may already incorporate product sampling into your experiential marketing strategy, or maybe sampling has not been a part of your approach. But whether you are on “Team Sampling” or not, here we share the top signs that your brand may benefit from product sampling and why a product sampling company could make this strategy well worth the investment.


September 26, 2024

Sorting Through Experiential Companies: Finding the Right Partner for Your Needs

Roughly 29% of brands use experiential marketing to connect with consumers on a deeper level. Many of these brands rely on experiential marketing companies to make this connection, but often businesses can struggle to find the right partner to bring their campaign to life. Here are strategies to help you identify the best experiential marketing agencies for your needs.


September 12, 2024

Customer engagement defined and why it’s important

You want to connect with customers. But you don’t want to settle for a transactional relationship. You want an emotional link. Customer engagement builds that emotional connection with your target audience, which can lead to brand loyalty, customer satisfaction, and repeat business. This article explores what customer engagement is, its significance, and provides examples of how top brands achieve it.


August 29, 2024

How to increase brand engagement with experiential marketing strategies

As an experiential marketing agency, we often talk about the many advantages of pop-up shops, product sampling, and brand activations.


August 26, 2024

Brand Activation Companies: What they do and Why it matters

Brand activation companies help your business build brand loyalty and engagement with target audiences. Learn how to activate a brand and what to expect.


July 31, 2024

Experiential Marketing Strategy

Learn how to build a successful experiential marketing strategy for your brand that’ll help you connect with your customers more effectively than ever before.


July 31, 2024

Brand Activation Examples | A Little Bird

Top brand activation examples can help your business understand how this experiential marketing makes an impact on customers. Learn more about what works.


July 18, 2024

Product Sampling | A Little Bird

In today’s saturated marketplace , A Little Bird’s unique product sampling solutions will propel you ahead of the competition.


July 10, 2024

Experiential Marketing Examples

This article’s top experiential marketing examples can help you think how to grow consumer engagement. Learn about this important marketing approach in action.


May 10, 2024

Experiential Marketing Company Services | A Little Bird

Learn about the types of services an experiential marketing company, such as the team here at A Little Bird, does for all its clients to help provide a better outreach and brand experience for them.


April 15, 2024

Experiential Marketing | A Little Bird

In 2024, experiential marketing is one of the most important and successful ways to reach your audience. Learn about its different types and how to implement it in your business.


March 11, 2024

Product Sampling Agency | A Little Bird

A product sampling agency helps get your consumer product goods in the hands of your audience. How do you find the right one? What can you expect? Find out.


March 1, 2024

Here’s why brand activation is the best kind of marketing

If you’re tasked with building or growing a brand, you’re certainly not alone. As technology continues to take center stage in our lives, the modern world seems to have gotten smaller. Companies compete with one another from across the globe, which presents a massive challenge for marketers. Brands have dozens of marketing channels, tactics, and


November 7, 2023

Experiential Marketing & Sampling: Maximizing for CPG

By creating immersive experiential marketing campaigns that allow consumers to interact with their products and brand, CPG companies can leave a lasting impact and create a memorable connection. Understanding Experiential Marketing Experiential marketing, also known as engagement marketing or event marketing, is a strategy that focuses on creating unique experiences for consumers. Instead of relying


November 7, 2023

CPG Agencies: Finding The Right One For Your Brand

In today's competitive business landscape, it is crucial for consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies to find the right agency partner that can help them navigate the ever-changing market. CPG agencies play a vital role in assisting businesses in developing and implementing effective marketing strategies, brand positioning, and consumer engagement initiatives. To make an informed decision


November 7, 2023

Retail Sampling: Maximizing Benefits & Results

Retail sampling can be a powerful tool for CPG businesses looking to engage with their target audience and increase sales. By strategically offering products to potential customers, retailers can create a memorable experience that can leave a lasting impression. In this article, we will explore the concept of retail sampling, its effectiveness, and how you


November 7, 2023

Creating Memorable Experiential Events

Experiential events are all the rage these days. From immersive pop-up installations to interactive brand activations, these events have taken the marketing world by storm. So, what exactly is an experiential event? And why are they so important? In this article, we'll dive deep into the world of creating memorable experiential events and explore the


November 7, 2023

The best brands are the most human. The others fall behind.

Despite all of our differences, there is no doubt that at our core we all have something in common. We are human beings. As Aristotle once said, we are “political (more…)


November 7, 2023

3 content marketing clichés emerging brands should ignore

Today’s emerging brands and startups are tasked with getting an immense amount right. For the past few decades, the world has been operating on fast forward, and (more…)


November 7, 2023

Integrating AI to improve brand experiences

Artificial intelligence is improving how companies interact with customers by seamlessly creating efficiencies and delivering an improved brand experience. (more…)


November 8, 2023

CPG Marketing Trends for 2024

In the fast-paced world of consumer-packaged goods (CPG) marketing, staying ahead of the trends is key. As we look ahead to CPG marketing trends in 2024, exciting developments are on the horizon that will shape the industry in innovative ways. From the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) to the evolving impact of content and social


November 7, 2023

Why brand awareness is a long game

Modern consumers expect more of the companies they buy from; more transparency, more authenticity, and more value. They want to have a relationship with a brand. (more…)


November 8, 2023

The science and necessity of brand storytelling

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Four score and seven years ago. Whether it’s a speech, a film, a myth or a memoir, (more…)


November 7, 2023

Home run branding: what baseball can teach marketing

“It’s hard not to be romantic about baseball.” – Billy Beane [embed][/embed] In the 2011 Academy Award-nominated film Moneyball, Billy Beane (portrayed by Brad Pitt) responds (more…)


November 7, 2023

London Coffee Festival: Trends or here to stay?

A month after the new McDonalds ad took a swipe at pretentious coffee culture; we sent our resident axe whittling, hipster, designer and coffee enthusiast, (more…)


November 8, 2023

London Cocktail Week: 9 Killer insights

Every year we celebrate London Cocktail Week to see what’s new, what tastes good, who’s doing what, and check out how cocktailing should be done. While our love of cocktails and the booze industry is aplenty, our livers are sadly not capable of doing it all… but we have checked out some of the very


November 8, 2023

What experiences will you be serving up in 2017?

Your dry January best intentions have inevitably failed and New Year habits are falling away. Now is the time for drink brands to decide (more…)


November 8, 2023

Is cocktail culture moving from the on-trade to the off-trade?

If buying a perfectly mixed bottled cocktail to drink at home wasn’t an option before, it certainly is now. Despite bland attempts over previous years, there has been (more…)


November 8, 2023

Love lost? Our pick of the best Valentine’s Day campaigns

It’s that time of year again. Love it or hate it, you can’t escape it. Valentines Day. Every year, brands up their game and try to outwit (more…)


November 8, 2023

Retail Price Index (RPI): Are you ready for the rise?

Are you ready for the rise in RPI? This year, prices are going to rise across the board. Many brands are no longer able to hold the price of products due to the (more…)


November 8, 2023

Tech insight: The rise of the Apex Woman

Did you know women influence 75% of consumer tech purchasing decisions? You could be forgiven for not knowing this as, surprisingly, (more…)


November 8, 2023

Brand wins, losses, and the virtues of bold marketing campaigns

Embracing creativity and designing bold marketing campaigns can end in rewards or regret. However, in a world of marketing saturation, companies should honor (more…)


November 8, 2023

Experiential marketing campaigns that put consumers first

People don’t want to be treated like consumers - they want to be treated like people. In our Millennial-led culture, individuals want to be seen as unique. (more…)


November 8, 2023

Look beyond the liquid. How to build a beer brand?

Within a category of around 11,000 breweries in the UK, it’s no easy task to launch a beer brand. Craft brands have for too long been inward facing. This is why (more…)


November 8, 2023

Marketing beauty to middle-aged women

Middle-aged women are seeking a variety of products and services to preserve and enhance their appearance. Here are three tips on how beauty brands can resonate (more…)


November 8, 2023

Why brand activation is the future of fashion

Fashion is a visually-rich, creative space that is a key component in how individuals illustrate their identity to the world. Embracing an experiential philosophy (more…)


November 8, 2023

Gamification of experiential for adult beverage brands

Historically, experiential marketing has served as the unsung hero for many brands' success. For decades, brands have believed implicitly in the power of "try-before-you-buy" (more…)


November 8, 2023

Experiential campaign enlightenment for startups

For any business, marketing is essential. For start-ups, many prioritize digital, as the nature of the platforms offers a democratization of access to an audience. Digital marketing (more…)


November 8, 2023

Experiential can boost signups for subscription brands

For the past 5 years, subscription-based services have grown 100% - every single year. This includes delivery services like Birchbox and Amazon Subscribe & Save, (more…)


November 8, 2023

How soft drink brands can reach healthy consumers

When people commit to a healthier lifestyle, soft drinks tend to be one of the first things that they eliminate from their diet. Needless to say, this does not bode well (more…)


November 8, 2023

3 ways tech brands insert experiential marketing tactics into the UX

Everywhere you look, brand activations abound. Pop-up shops, festival activations, immersive VR experiences – in the modern era, experiential marketing tactics have become a part of our everyday lives. And as a multitude of brands gain traction and attention for using experiential to create deeper connections with consumers, tech companies may be left scratching their


November 8, 2023

Why ecommerce brands need experiential marketing events to thrive

“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” - Confucius The majority of Americans shop online, happily tapping “Add To Cart” buttons on their computers, smartphones, tablets, and other devices. With so much buying and selling taking place in the digital world, it’s quite natural to assume that


November 8, 2023

5 head-turning brand activation ideas for beauty brands

The beauty industry loves getting hands-on with its audience. From beauty-focused events to social media idea-sharing, these brands’ emphasis on interaction (more…)


November 8, 2023

3 big marketing problems that a pop-up shop might solve

Each year, brands are allotting more of their marketing budgets toward brand activation. In fact, a study recently found that “a growing number of marketers expect to allocate (more…)


November 8, 2023

Pop-up shops that think beyond the storefront

It’s clear to everyone that retail is not what it used to be. Sears is closing over 100 stores. 74% of people base purchasing decisions on social media – and that holds true (more…)


November 8, 2023

Brand experiences illustrate the meaningful side of beauty

In a 2017 study, the American Psychological Association found that 75% of Americans experienced at least one symptom of stress, including anxiousness or nervousness. (more…)


November 8, 2023

How fitness brands build connections with consumers

We’ve officially made it to February, which for many people, marks the second month of adherence to (or avoidance of) their new year fitness resolutions. (more…)


November 8, 2023

How to give life to your diversity marketing strategy

“If you’re going to talk the talk, you’ve got to walk the walk.” – Unknown Just months after Beyoncé selected Tyler Mitchell to shoot her Vogue cover, the superstar (more…)


November 8, 2023

Meet “Re-con Man”: Recasting masculinity

Never have people been less sure of what it is that makes a man. New shifts are placing men in uncharted territory. Rather than wallowing (more…)


November 8, 2023

Is it time to call time on craft breweries?

The past few years has seen something of a revolution going on down the pub and in the supermarket aisles. Just like provincial cheeses, meats, (more…)


November 8, 2023

Connecting in the digitally globalized landscape

As a CMO, marketer or brand leader, do you feel that you’re truly connecting with your potential consumers? No? Then A Little Bird has a solution. We’ve created (more…)


November 8, 2023

Analogue: dead or alive? The future for white goods

CES 2017 has shown us we are at a tipping point in tech. The global smart home market is booming and expected to reach $100bn by 2018. As it stands (more…)


November 8, 2023

Does speed deliver sustainable start-up brands?

We live in a world where everyone wants everything tomorrow. Many start-up brands think incubator sessions and hackathons are designed to get (more…)


November 8, 2023

Does your business have a purpose-driven culture?

This week Kraft Heinz tabled a bid of around £115bn for Unilever, which was politely rejected. Since then, talks have ended and both companies have decided (more…)


November 8, 2023

Interactive gamification is the future of experiential

Experiential marketing has always enjoyed an advantage over traditional media because of its unique ability to humanize brands and build real relationships with consumers.


November 8, 2023

Should brands be afraid of risks? Why failing is okay.

McDonald’s took a risk with their recent 'dead dad' ad. Unfortunately for them, it didn’t pay off. The public reaction and negative backlash to the ad (more…)


November 7, 2023

What’s the point of British Airways?

It was a weekend of joy for Ryanair, reporting a record year with profits rising 6%. Meanwhile, on the other, side of the runway, British Airways (more…)


November 7, 2023

How emerging CPG brands can win over influencers

Social media influencers have made their way into the mainstream of brand marketing and advertising. Their posts fill millions of timelines all over the world, with carefully curated (more…)


November 7, 2023

How new brands can survive the sharing economy

Somewhere, as you read this, there’s a millennial entrepreneur who’s referring to their lightbulb idea as “the Uber of the X, Y, or Z industry.” And while these disruptive, (more…)


November 7, 2023

Influencer marketing is about more than brands may think

For many millennials, the idea of an “influencer” is odd. I myself am not one of these select few, but I do speak as someone who knows (more…)


November 7, 2023

The psychology of workplace design and productivity

If you’ve been lucky enough to stroll through Facebook’s Menlo Park campus or Google’s headquarters in Mountain View, CA, you know that each seems (more…)


November 7, 2023

Using identity design to drive differentiation for cannabis

The legalization of marijuana throughout select states in the U.S. and in various spots around the world has created a retail scenario much like that of other “sin” industries, (more…)


November 7, 2023

How to champion change and leverage social stances in 2019

In this time of tribes, neutral is no longer an option. Over the past few years in particular, a number of social and political issues have become elephants trumpeting around (more…)


November 7, 2023

Here’s why you shouldn’t confuse Gen Z with millennials

Often dubbed the “post-millennials” and “iGeneration”, Gen Z is now the largest generation of consumers – ever – with spending power that’s far more impactful (more…)


November 7, 2023

Does sustainability spell disaster for brand identity?

A recent Medium post titled Welcome to Brand Hell explored a hypothetical future in which all branding is removed from the retail experience. (more…)


November 7, 2023

Branding lessons from Tiger’s epic win at the Masters

11 years. That’s how long it has been since Tiger Woods, once golf’s most dominant and prodigal player, has won a major title. For many athletes, 11 years would (more…)


November 7, 2023

Why differentiation drives market disruption

We’re living in a time where companies desperately want to become “the Uber” of their space. To be fair, it’s an attractive prospect; to sit at the forefront of your (more…)


November 7, 2023

Why having a grand corporate purpose is not a risk

“The idea that consumers are buying from purpose-driven companies is real.” - Norman de Greve, CMO, CVS Health Primed at the intersection between profitability (more…)


November 7, 2023

From trade wars to brand wars, brand equity is how companies thrive

War, what’s it good for? From Donald Trump’s perspective, a trade war is good for protecting US-based businesses from international competition. According to (more…)


November 7, 2023

Now is the time to redefine creativity

“If you’re alive, you’re a creative person.” - Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear If we were to ask our kindergarten selves (more…)


November 7, 2023

Burning Man has sage marketing advice for brands

For the past 33 years, Burning Man has gone from a bonfire on the beach to one of the world’s most fascinating counter-cultural events. For many attendees, Burning (more…)


November 7, 2023

Burning Man’s sage marketing advice (part 2)

Last week, we demonstrated why brand strategy has a lot to learn from the first five founding principles of the annual Burning Man festival. (more…)


November 7, 2023

Where does the snap election leave brand campaigns?

There’s no other way of putting it - the snap election is a massive issue for brands. With just over seven weeks until election day, approved brand activity (more…)


November 7, 2023

ALB LA Food Bank Community Service (Birds of a Feather)

L.A. Food Bank Community Service Project The team at A Little Bird is committed to giving back to our community. Through our Birds of a Feather community service program, (more…)


November 7, 2023

What championship teams teach us about brand strategy

Each year, the sports world has a stronghold on fandom that even the most popular brands only dream of. And teams’ emotionally-charged stories only add to their allure. (more…)


November 7, 2023

Why the government shutdown was all about brand loyalty

Finally, after a record-setting 35 days, the government shutdown came to a conclusion last Friday. For 5 weeks, furloughed federal workers felt immense pressure (more…)


November 7, 2023

Why Fyre Festival’s pitch deck was a red flag

Over the past few months, Fyre Festival has become more than a meme or a trope. It is the ultimate professional disaster; the wreck that we can’t stop pulling over to gawk (more…)


November 7, 2023

Does sex still sell? Millennials may be changing the game

In December 2018, The Atlantic published a cover story exploring the question Why Are Young People Having So Little Sex? In the article, the author went so far (more…)


November 7, 2023

What Amazon’s move to brick and mortar says about retail

For years, the retail fortune tellers have decried the end of things as we know them for physical stores, and for good reason. Ecommerce, with its (more…)


November 7, 2023

Brand wars or collabs? This drives the most ROI

In the noisy, competitive, oversaturated marketing landscape, are companies better off waging war with the competition? Or is a better strategy to “go high” and (more…)


November 7, 2023

How a celebrity CEO’s personal brand can build (or break) a company

As brands seek to become more human, the metaphor of a company as a living being has in some ways become visceral. If a brand is human, then its body is the company’s team, moving together to create a sum that is greater than its parts. Its soul is the brand purpose and driving force


November 7, 2023

Why only environmentally sustainable companies have a future

The jig is up. We – the human race - are damaging the planet and everything in it. Every time we take a flight, drive a car, or make certain purchase decisions, we are adding to the crisis. We need to acknowledge that this is not an Exxon problem; it is not a government problem


November 7, 2023

Bud Light and Dylan Mulvaney: A Lesson in Failed Brand Strategy and the Importance of Authenticity

By Hogan Shrum, Founder and CEO, A Little Bird In today's rapidly evolving consumer market, establishing and maintaining brand loyalty is paramount to success, especially among generations with significant purchasing power, such as Millennials and Gen-Z. (more…)


November 7, 2023

Adidas wins with inclusive, experience driven marketing

Adidas hasn’t always been the athletic apparel heavyweight it is today. Not by a long shot. Founded nearly 100 years ago in Bavaria, Germany, Adidas’s rise (more…)


November 7, 2023

Interactive gamification is the future of experiential

Experiential marketing has always enjoyed an advantage over traditional media because of its unique ability to humanize brands and build real relationships with consumers. (more…)


November 7, 2023

Life is trending: Welcome to the IRL Revolution

Imagine owning a cosmetics company that boasts 570,000 followers on Instagram, 400,000 on Facebook, and 200,000 more on Twitter – and then one day (more…)


November 7, 2023

Workplace sampling is what you’ve been missing

It’s not a secret that food and beverage brands, for the most part, use sampling to get their products into the hands and hearts of prospective consumers. (more…)


November 7, 2023

Everything you need to know about pop-up marketing

In the age of digital, physical marketing tactics still matter. In fact, they matter more now than ever before. Our world of tweets, likes, and shares has resulted in unprecedented physical and emotional isolation. Face-to-face marketing initiatives drive engagement and demonstrate measurable value with new and loyal consumers alike. While a variety of event-oriented strategies


November 7, 2023

A Bird’s Eye View: Celsius @ Tough Mudder

For a majority of people, finding a fitness routine can be a long process. Not only does it require motivation to find a lifestyle that is sustainable, but the options (more…)


November 7, 2023

A Bird’s Eye View: Summer 2019 Festivals with Line 39

In 1769, the art of wine-making made its way to California. Since then the state's wine industry has grown dramatically, becoming the top wine producer (more…)


November 7, 2023

Pepsi: When does ‘Challenger’ go too far?

Challenger mindset. Thinking outside the box, executing a bold positioning and provoking conversation. Being offensive, however, is a label no brand (more…)


November 7, 2023