authentic brands

Why ecommerce brands need experiential marketing events to thrive

“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” - Confucius The majority of Americans shop online, happily tapping “Add To Cart” buttons on their computers, smartphones, tablets, and other devices. With so much buying and selling taking place in the digital world, it’s quite natural to assume that


November 8, 2023

The best brands are the most human. The others fall behind.

Despite all of our differences, there is no doubt that at our core we all have something in common. We are human beings. As Aristotle once said, we are “political (more…)


November 7, 2023

Improving engagement with transparency

Key takeaways Conveying a professional image may not be enough. Sometimes it is the transparency in your brand story that will be the most well-received by consumers. Beer brands are finding experiential approaches to be the most effective in combating declining industry sales. The beauty industry is successful in maintaining a dialogue with consumers online


November 7, 2023