beauty brand marketing

Brand experiences illustrate the meaningful side of beauty

In a 2017 study, the American Psychological Association found that 75% of Americans experienced at least one symptom of stress, including anxiousness or nervousness. (more…)


November 8, 2023

Experiential branding can transform consumer perception

Key takeaways Companies are using experiential branding to drive sales and brand loyalty, but they are also using them to transform brand perception in a few short hours. Traditional PR, watch out. Beauty brands have received recent accolades for a skillful and innovative use of social media and other marketing tactics to create conversations with


November 7, 2023

Breathing life into legacy brands (A Little Bird Presents)

Key takeaways: Legacy brands like Budweiser are using experience marketing to connect with younger generations and revitalize brand perception. Taking experiences to the next level is a part of most experiential brainstorms, and many brands are finding success in incorporating a travel or retreat element. DNA testing service 23AndMe demonstrates how service brands can use


November 7, 2023