influencer marketing

How emerging CPG brands can win over influencers

Social media influencers have made their way into the mainstream of brand marketing and advertising. Their posts fill millions of timelines all over the world, with carefully curated (more…)


November 7, 2023

Why Fyre Festival’s pitch deck was a red flag

Over the past few months, Fyre Festival has become more than a meme or a trope. It is the ultimate professional disaster; the wreck that we can’t stop pulling over to gawk (more…)


November 7, 2023

Bud Light and Dylan Mulvaney: A Lesson in Failed Brand Strategy and the Importance of Authenticity

By Hogan Shrum, Founder and CEO, A Little Bird In today's rapidly evolving consumer market, establishing and maintaining brand loyalty is paramount to success, especially among generations with significant purchasing power, such as Millennials and Gen-Z. (more…)


November 7, 2023

Great brand activations and why consumers can’t resist

The statistics related to great brand activations and experiential marketing continue to turn heads. According to the yearly experiential survey and report, Event Track, not only are brands spending more on brand activation year-over-year, the ROI they are expecting is staggering. When surveyed, “Forty-eight percent of brands realize a ROI of between 3:1 to 5:1


November 7, 2023

Preserving brand perception in an online world

Key takeaways: While e-commerce presents a challenge, there are ways to maintain control of brand perception and the customer’s brand experience. Reimagining your company’s existing resources, such as repurposing an underused corporate space, can open the door to a robust and effective marketing campaign. Millennials are a product of their circumstances. The better we understand


November 7, 2023

Inclusive marketing thrives with diversity

This week’s key takeaways: Designing an inclusive marketing campaign is more successful when it is developed by diverse marketing teams. Social media promotion doesn’t have to stay online. Using traditional marketing methods to bring awareness to digital can boost exposure. The majority of word-of-mouth is still talking place off-line, despite Yelp and other online recommendation


November 7, 2023