
How brands can benefit from controversy (A Little Bird Presents)

Key takeaways: Purpose-driven marketing does not have to be philanthropic. Often, brands can benefit from controversy when they take a political stand that they believe in. The data show that personal experience and word-of-mouth recommendations reign supreme when it comes to consumers’ major purchasing decisions. Augmented reality and virtual reality continue to spark marketers’ imaginations


November 7, 2023

Conversational marketing is key to a brand’s success

This week’s key takeaways: Brands that practice conversational marketing, and are better listeners, are creating more relevant, effective marketing messages. The success of American Eagle’s authentic and “real” marketing demonstrates the immense value that consumers put on transparency. Securing the attendance of influencers at brand events will improve your relationship with them and encourage them


November 7, 2023

Why brands should rethink gender-based marketing

Key takeaways: While brands might be eager to connect with a specific gender through gender-based marketing campaigns, creating campaigns for women that are built on stereotypes can backfire. In vying for Millennials' attention, many brands are missing the mark by neglecting their younger counterparts, Gen Z, who hold significant purchasing power. Beauty brands, which as


November 7, 2023

Pop-up retail drives engagement and sales

Key takeaways: Pop-up retail is far from trendy. It is a key consumer engagement strategy that can have multi-faceted benefits for a brands. During a brand activation or in a brick and mortar environment, merging digital and physical engagement allows for the best user experience. While Millennials love travel, experiences, and authenticity, for many in


November 7, 2023

Inclusive marketing thrives with diversity

This week’s key takeaways: Designing an inclusive marketing campaign is more successful when it is developed by diverse marketing teams. Social media promotion doesn’t have to stay online. Using traditional marketing methods to bring awareness to digital can boost exposure. The majority of word-of-mouth is still talking place off-line, despite Yelp and other online recommendation


November 7, 2023

Sustained brand growth through customer experience marketing

Key takeaways: Marketers need to expand their focus beyond short-term brand building to include sustainable, long-term brand growth. This is better achieved through embracing a combination of customer experience marketing, technology, consumer centricity, and other innovative strategies. Even with social media influencers' increasing impact on consumer behavior, the data show that celebrity endorsements still have


November 7, 2023

Improving engagement with transparency

Key takeaways Conveying a professional image may not be enough. Sometimes it is the transparency in your brand story that will be the most well-received by consumers. Beer brands are finding experiential approaches to be the most effective in combating declining industry sales. The beauty industry is successful in maintaining a dialogue with consumers online


November 7, 2023

Experiential branding can transform consumer perception

Key takeaways Companies are using experiential branding to drive sales and brand loyalty, but they are also using them to transform brand perception in a few short hours. Traditional PR, watch out. Beauty brands have received recent accolades for a skillful and innovative use of social media and other marketing tactics to create conversations with


November 7, 2023

Preserving brand perception in an online world

Key takeaways: While e-commerce presents a challenge, there are ways to maintain control of brand perception and the customer’s brand experience. Reimagining your company’s existing resources, such as repurposing an underused corporate space, can open the door to a robust and effective marketing campaign. Millennials are a product of their circumstances. The better we understand


November 7, 2023

Live branded events are replacing brand sponsorship

Key takeaways Several global companies are ditching brand sponsorship and producing their own proprietary live events. Like traditional brand activation, these boost brand affinity and achieve marketing objectives, but they also serve as an additional revenue stream. Dominant brands are acquiring symbiotic start ups that improve their value proposition, marketing capabilities, and/or customer experience. Delivering


November 7, 2023

Explaining the science behind emotion in marketing

Key takeaways Emotion-driven marketing should no longer be based on intuition, but carefully crafted using consumer data and a scientific understanding of its effect on purchasing behavior. The new demographic-based marketing model is understanding audience habits and who they are as an individual, not just age, sex, location and income. Authenticity carries heavy weight in


November 7, 2023

Purpose-Driven Brands Grow Faster

How aligning with a cause can accellerate company growth, the beauty industry's success with FOMO, and improving customer relationships through data. (more…)


November 7, 2023

How to measure a brand experience

The best ways to measure a live brand experience, why storefront retail is not dead, & how a company's social mission can result in brand growth (more…)


November 7, 2023

Experience retail for the automotive industry

How the automotive industry is embracing experiential retail, the best way to measure a brand activation, & the World Cup's sponsorship woes (more…)


November 7, 2023